

1.谁知道揠苗助长这个故事用英文怎么翻译 急需。

2.英语成语故事 要有翻译

3.寻 成语故事英文翻译





谁知道揠苗助长这个故事用英文怎么翻译 急需。

       谁知道揠苗助长这个故事用英文怎么翻译 急需。

        揠苗助长(To Pull up the Seedlings to Help Them Grow)

        Once upon a time, an old farmer planted a plot of rice. Everyday he went to the field to watch the seedlings grow. He saw the young shoots break through the soil and grow taller each day. But still, he thought they were growing too slowly. He got impatient with the young plants. "How could the plants grow faster?" He tossed in bed during the night and could not sleep. Suddenly he hit upon an idea. He had an idea not wait for daybreak. He jumped out of the bed and dashed to the field. By the moonlight, he began working on the rice seedlings. One by one, he pulled up the young plants by half an inch. When he finished pulling, it was already morning. Straightening his back, he said to himself, "What a wonderful idea! Look, how much taller the plants have grown one night!" With great satisfaction, he went back home. He told his son what he had done in a triumphant tone. His son was shocked. Now the sun had risen. The young man was heart-broken to see all the pulled-up young plants dying.

        People now use " Ba Miao Zhu Zhang" to describe the behavior of those who are too eager to get something done only to make it worse. The idiom is a bit like the English proverb "Haste makes waste" ------to spoil things by excessive enthusia *** .










揠苗助长 翻译(字词也要0


古文 《揠苗助长》翻译一句话

        天下人不犯这种拔苗助长错误的是很少的。认为养护庄稼没有用处而不去管它们的,是只种庄稼不除草的懒汉; 一厢情愿地去帮助庄稼生长的;就是这种拔苗助长的人,不仅没有益处,反而害死了庄稼


        欲速不达 [yù sù bù dá]




        出 处


        例 句




        yu 三声







        翻译 :







        拼音:yà miáo zhù zhǎng








        英文:spoil things by excessive enthusia *** as one who tries to help the shoots grew by pulling them up













        示例:似你这样寻根究底,便是~,胶柱鼓瑟了! ◎清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第一百二十回






英语成语故事 要有翻译

       守株待兔Sit back and waitSong is the state-owned farmer fields dig. Suddenly, he saw a hare from the adjacent grass sprang a panic, the one hit the child on Tanabe's stump, then down there in a motionless. Farmers take a look at the past: the rabbit was dead. Because it is running too fast to have hit off his neck (shé) of the. Farmers delighted, and he did not spend a little effort, they picked up a fat, white hare great. He thought to himself; if every day, picked up a hare and the days like before. Since then, he could no longer refuse to farming out the strength of the. Every day, he hoes on the side, lying on the stump on the child front, waiting for just the second, third only to hare up his son hit the stump. In the world can there be so many cheap things ah. Farmers of course, no longer picked up the hare killed and his land was lying fallow. 叶公好龙BelieSpring and Autumn Period, when there is a named Shen Ye County Chu Chu Liang's magistrate, we call him Yeh. Ye are like the dragon thing, whether it's ornaments, beams, windows, dishes, clothes, has a dragon pattern above, even the walls of his home, also painted a great big dragon well, we went into Ye's family thought went into the dragon palace, everywhere one can see the dragon logo! "My favorite is the dragon!" Ye said proudly to everyone. One day, Yeh something like the dragon was really heaven dragon know, the real dragon, said: "It was so fond of a rare dragon, I have to go visit his house to visit !" Real dragon fly from heaven Yeh's home, head reached into windows shouting, said: "Ye home?" Ye see a real dragon, frightened shouting: "wow! monster !" real dragon was very surprised and said: "how can you say that I am is the monster? I is your favorite dragon ! "Ye scared straight began to tremble, said:" I like things like the dragon's false dragon, not really Long ah, life-saving . "Yeh Huameishuowan , they quickly escaped out! Long left his face really upset to say: "Oh, Ye said, like the dragon that the matter was false, he is afraid of Dragon Well! Causing me to also fly to visit him!" 刻舟求剑Disregard the changing circumstances A Chu cross the river by boat, his sword from the ship fell into the water. He hastened to the ship on which are engraved along the a sign, saying: "My sword fell to go from here." Boat dock, it will help people along on the boat along the water to look for signs carved on the sword, but is also looking for a long time not be found. Vessel had been walking (driving) for a very long, but the sword will not be onboard the advance. Disregard the changing circumstances of the methods used to find the sword, is it not do a very confused? 滥竽充数Blending In ancient times, the emperor Xuan Qi-loving music, in particular, like to listen to blow Yu, Chen has 300 musicians are good at blowing Yu. King Xuan likes a little excitement, love swing pomp, has always been displayed in front of others to do the king's majesty, so every time the time to listen to blow Yu, always call the 300 individuals with ensemble for him.Have heard of King Xuan Guo south of this habit, that can take advantage of, is a good opportunity to make money, they went to King Xuan, go there and brag about, said: "King ah, I am a well-known musicians, after listening to my blow Yu people do not not be touched, that is, listening to birds and beasts will be dancing, flowers, listening to the beat will be co-quiver, I would like to dedicate my stunt king. "Xuan hear happy, without inspection, willingly accept it in him and that he also be allocated to support 300 people, blow Yu team.After that, South Guo on that 300 people together with the ensemble to the King Xuan, listening, and we enjoy the same preferential treatment, heart extremely proud.In fact, the South Guo sprinkled a lie, he simply will not be blowing Yu. Every performance, when the South Guo Yu mixed team on the holding, the people, he shook the body shake body, people Rocker Rocker he face an emotional ecstasy pretended to look, and it looks like everyone else playing quite in inputs, what flaws to really Qiao Buchu. Mr. Guo was so deceived by the South depended on Hunguo a day to day, doing nothing to white unsalaried.However, short-lived, over the years, want to hear ensemble Yu Xuan died, his son inherited the throne Qimin Wang. Qimin Wang Yu also like to hear wind, but not the same as he and King Xuan that the 300 is too noisy blowing together, far more melodious than solo Happy. So Qimin Wang issued an order, to which 300 individuals a good practice to prepare for, he will turn it to 300 people a month to blow Yu appreciate him. Upon receiving orders, the musicians have been actively practicing, we all want a go, only that for every one like a wok on the South Guo anxious ants and fear. After much deliberation, he felt that this mix is not passed no longer had to pack the night away. 南辕北辙PolaritiesToday, I come here on the way met a man by car north while the line, the man told me: "I want to go to the state of Chu." I asked him: "the state of Chu in the south, why should the north to go?" The man said: "Never mind, my horse is good, run fast." I reminded him: "Good horses are not useful, not to return to the state of Chu in the north direction to go." The man said: "My travel expenses more go again. "I any connection with him said:" The road toll for more than a useless, so that did not reach the state of Chu. "That people are still said:" It does not matter, I groom it will be the coachman. "hurry to get somewhere better in these conditions, the more respect from the state of Chu far. Now, King wants Chengjiubaye, and always want to get the prestige of the world. (However) relied on Wei's powerful and sophisticated army to attack Handan, to make the land expansion, particular sub-honorable, the king more such operations, it farther away from the establishment of Wang Ye-ah. 拔苗助长Destructive EnthusiasmOne Song those who think their crops grow slowly, it will be overstating seedlings Yi Keke. He tired to return home, his family said: "Today, tired, and I help the crops grow any taller 啦!" He said hurriedly into the ground to see his son, seedlings have withered.

寻 成语故事英文翻译

       Sweat is HuoGuang, emperor han commander-in-chief of TuoGu ministers, drinking eight years of emperor han style-came kisen, ruling pomp very heavy. HuoGuang nearby have a call YangChang people, act is timid, popular with HuoGuang recognition, rose to prime minister position, seal for anping syndrome. Actually, YangChang humanness cowardly incompetence, timid, not when the prime minister of the material. 74 B.C., was only twenty one-year-old han emperor died.both in WeiYangGong kisen, with all the princes HuoGuang counsel, chose the emperor's grandson made WangLiuHe nearbu heir. Behold LiuHe ascended the mid-north song and dance, often pleasure-resorts. HuoGuang heard later, anxieties, and bike ride general ZhangAn births, TianYanNian secret counsel, on to nullify LiuHe, set up other Yin jun. After TianYanNian HuoGuangPa goading agreed to jointly YangChang, tell gun. YangChang all of a sudden, she was scared to sweat, panic, just something indistinctly fence. YangChang wife, is TaiShiGong sima qian's daughter, quite have the guts. She saw her husband shilly-shally appearance, secretly worried, while TianYanNian change clothes walk away, infero-anterior advised her husband and said, "National affairs, will shilly-shally. General has ChengYi, you should also chosin reservoir, otherwise inevitable difficult ahead." YangChang step back and forth in the house, but had no acid attention. Just at this time TianYanNian back, SiMaFu people avoid inferior, straight-tempered without embarrassment and TianYanNian meet, told TianYanNian, her husband willing to listen to the general's command. TianYanNian after listening pleased to take leave walk. TianYanNian returns HuoGuang, HuoGuang very satisfied. YangChang brought all the princes immediately arrange table, playing please dowager. The next day, YangChang advice, ernie see luang nearbu king unbearable successin statement of reason. Queen letter removed immediately LiuHe, another sign of emperor of the once SunLiu enquiry for jun, was said han XuanDi.

       Idioms citations, han shu YangChang biography of our afraid, not words. Jia sweated back ACTS yes just.

       Idioms interpretations ", "Jia drenched, sweating much soaked backbone. Describe sweat. Also describe extreme fear or ashamed excessive.

        汗流浃背 汉大将军霍光,是汉武帝的托孤重臣,辅佐八岁即位的汉昭帝执政,威势很重。霍光身边有个叫杨敞的人,行事谨小慎微,颇受霍光赏识,升至丞相职位,封为安平候。其实,杨敞为人懦弱无能,胆小怕事,根本不是当丞相的材料。公元前74年,年仅廿一岁的汉昭帝驾崩于未央宫,霍光与众臣商议,选了汉武帝的孙子昌邑王刘贺作继承人。谁知刘贺继位后,经常宴饮歌舞,寻欢作乐。霍光听说后,忧心忡忡,与车骑将军张安世、大司马田延年秘密商议,打算废掉刘贺,另立贤君。计议商定后,霍光派田延年告诉杨敞、以便共同行事。杨敞一听,顿时吓得汗流浃背,惊恐万分,只是含含糊糊,不置可否。杨敞的妻子,是太史公司马迁的女儿,颇有胆识。她见丈夫犹豫不决的样子,暗暗着急,趁田延年更衣走开时,上前劝丈夫说;“国家大事,岂能犹豫不决。大将军已有成议,你也应当速战速决,否则必然太难临头。”杨敞在房里来回酸步,却拿不定注意。正巧此时田延年回来,司马夫人回避不及,索性大大方方地与田延年相见,告知田延年,她丈夫愿意听从大将军的吩咐。田延年听了后高兴地告辞走了。田延年回报霍光,霍光十分满意,马上安排杨敞领众臣上表,奏请皇太后。第二天,杨敞与群臣遏见皇太后,陈述昌邑王不堪继承王位的原因。太后立即下诏废去刘贺,另立汉武帝的曾孙刘询为君,史称汉宣帝。





       There lived a well-known archer named Geng Ying whose art in shooting was excelled by none at his time.

       One day, as he was standing by the side of the King of Wei, a flock of swan geese were flying over. With confidence, Geng Ying said to the king, "The twang of my bow-string might bring down a bird." The King doubted much. Just then a solitary swan goose appeared, low and slow in its flight, sad and dolorous in its cry. Instantly Geng Ying bended his bow and forcibly pulled the bowstring. Twang! High up went he shrilling sound into the air and down fell the bird to the ground. The king admired with bewilderment. Gang Ying then explained: "The bird was flying low and slow, because it was already hurt; it was crying in a bitter tone, because it had lost its companions. Due to the fact that it was already hurt and sad at heart, the twang of my strong bow, that birds dreaded most, startled it. The shrilling sound made its heart beat fast, its wings weak, its balance uneven. Thus it fell down just as commonly as a man drops his chop-sticks, at the thunder-stroke, at a dinner table." Henceforth comes the idiom "A bird startled by the mere twang of a bow-string", illustrating a case where a man who had been previously and repeatedly frightened became numb and stupefied by a new thing of the same nature not knowing how to face the new situation.


       A broken mirror joined together

       During the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589), there lived a beautiful, intelligent princess name Lechang in the State Chen. She and her husband Xu Deyan loved each other dearly. But before long their country was in danger of being invaded by the troops of the Sui Dynasty. Princess Lechang and Xu Deyan had a premonition that their county would be occupied by the invaders and they would have to leave the palace and go into exile. During the chaos they might lose touch with each other. They broke a bronze mirror, a symbol of the unity of husband and wife into two parts and each of them kept a half. They aGREed that each would take their half of the mirror to the fair during the Lantern Festival, which is on the 15th day of the first Lunar month, in the hope that would meet again. When they were united the two halves would join together. Soon their premonition came true. During the chaos of war, the princess lost touch with her husband was taken to a powerful minister Yang Su's house and was made his mistress.

       At the Lantern Festival the next year, Xu Deyan took his half of the mirror to the fair. He hoped that he could meet his wife. It so happened that a servant was selling the other half of the bronze mirror. Xu Deyan recognized it immediately. He asked the servant about his wife. As he heard about her bitter experience, tears rolled down his cheeks. Xu Deyan wrote a poem on the half of the mirror kept by his wife: "You left me with your broken mirror Now the mirror is back but not you I can no longer see your reflection in the mirror Only the bright moon but not you" .

       the servant brought back the inscribed half of the mirror to princess Lechang. For days, she could not help sobbing because she knew her husband was still alive and that he missed her but they could not meet forever.

       the minister, Yang Su, found this out. He was also moved by their true love and realized it was impossible to get Lechang's love. So he sent for Xu Deyan and allowed the husband and wife to reunite.

       From that story comes the idiom "A broken mirror joined together".

       It is used to suggest the happy reunion of a separated couple.

       成语: 破镜重圆

       拼音: pò jìng chóng yuán

       解释: 比喻夫妻失散或离婚后重新团聚。




       以下就是这篇成语故事的标准翻译了 !

       Zu Ti and Liu Kun Jin Dynasty are the famous generals, two like-minded, gas intended congenial, have hope that it will contribute to dry out a career. Yamen where they worked together during the day, together build a quilt at night to sleep. Middle of the night the day, Zu Ti was awakened by the distance came the sounds of chickens, they then kicked awake Liu Kun, said: "The chicken sounds you hear it?" Liu Kun ear to listen carefully for a while and said: "Yes ah is the chicken in the sing. However, the chicken middle of the night calls is bad sound ah! "Zuti side got up on the one hand opposed it, saying:" This is not a bad sound, but urged us to quickly get up and exercise sounds. "Liu Kun follow the dress get out of bed. They came to the yard, pull out the sword to the dance,

       Until the first light of dawn.

       Later, Zu Ti and Liu Kun have to make every effort to recover the North made its own contribution.




       Birds Startled by the Mere Twang of a Bowstring


       In the Warring States Period, there was a man in the State of Wei called Geng Lei. One day he said to the king: 'I can shoot down birds by simply plucking my bowstring.' When the king expressed doubt, Geng Lei pointed his bow at a wild goose flying in the sky, twanged the bowstring, and the goose fell to the ground. Geng Lei said, 'This goose has been hurt in the past. Hearing the twang of the bowstring, it assumed that it was doomed. So it simply gave up trying to live.'


       This idiom means that if one has been frightened in the past one's will may become paralysed in a similar situation.


       Mao Sui Recommending Himself


       In the Warring States Period, the State of Qin besieged the capital of the State of Zhao. Duke Pingyuan of Zhao planned to ask the ruler of the State of Chu personally for assistance. He wanted to select a capable man to go with him. A man called Mao Sui volunteered. When the negoti-actions between the two states were stalled because the ruler of Chu hesitated to send troops, Mao Sui approached him, brandishing a sword. At that, the ruler of Chu agreed to help Zhao, against Qin.


       This idiom means to recommend oneself.


       A Haven of Peace and Happiness


       Tao Yuanming, a famous writer of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420), wrote the well-known essay Peach-Blossom Spring. In it he tells a story which goes like this: A fisherman happened to come upon a place called Peach-Blossom Spring. Squeezing through a cave, he found a village, the residents of which were descendants of refugees from the Qin Dynasty. It was a paradise isolated from the outside world, without exploitation or oppression, and everybody living and working in peace and contentment. The fisherman left the villagers and went home. But he could never find the place again.


       This idiom is derived from the above story, and is used to mean an isolated, ideal world.


       Going South by Driving the Chariot North


       Once a man wanted to go to the south, but his carriage was heading north. A passer-by asked him: 'If you are going to the south, why is your chariot heading north? ' The man answered, 'My horse is good at running, my driver is highly skilled at driving a carriage, and I have enough money. ' The man didn't consider that the direction might be wrong; the better his conditions were, the further he was away from his destination.


       The idiom derived from this story indicates that one's action was the opposite effect to one's intention.


       Putting the Finishing Touch to the Picture of a Dragon


       In the Southern and Northern Dynasties Period (420-589), there was a painter called Zhang Sengyou. Once he visited a temple and painted on the wall four dragons, but gave none of them eyes. The onlookers felt that this was odd, and asked why he hadn't painted the eyes. He answered, 'Eyes are crucial for dragons. With the eyes painted on, the dragons would fly away.' Nobody believed this, so Zhang Sengyou took up his brush and added eyes to two of the dragons. No sooner had he finished than the two dragons flew into the sky amid a thunderstorm. The two without eyes stayed painted on the wall.


       This idiom is used to describe how, when writing or speaking, one or two key sentences will enhance the contents.


       Drawing a snake and Adding Feet


       In the Warring States Period, a man in the State of Chu was offering a sacrifice to his ancestors. After the ceremony, the man gave a beaker of wine to his servants. The servants thought that there was not enough wine for all them, and decided to each draw a picture of a snake; the one who finished the picture first would get the wine. One of them drew very rapidly. Seeing that the others were still busy drawing, he added feet to the snake. At this moment another man finished, snatched the beaker and drank the wine, saying, 'A snake doesn't have feet. How can you add feet to a snake? '


       This idiom refers to ruining a venture by doing unnecessary and surplus things.


       Showing Off One's Proficiency with the Axe Before Lu Ban the Master Carpenter


       Lu Ban was supposed to be a consummate carpenter in ancient times. It is said that he once carved a wooden phoenix that was so lifelike that it actually flew in the sky for three days. Thus it was considered the height of folly to show off one's skill with an axe in front of Lu Ban.


       This idiom excoriates those who show off their slight accomplishments in front of experts.

       可爱多 2005-6-13 08:38


       So Angry That One' s Hair Lifts Up One' s Hat


       In the Warring States Period, Lin Xiangru, chief min-ister of the State of Zhao, was sent as an envoy to the State of Qin to ask the ruler of Qin to return a fine piece of jade to Zhao. But the ruler of Qin was rude and unreasonable. Lin was angry, and his hair stood up so stiffly on his head that it lifted up his hat.


       This idiom came to be used to mean being extremely angry.


       Allaying Hunger with Pictures of Cakes


       In the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280), the king of the Wei, Cao Rui, wanted to select a very capable man to work for him. He said to his ministers: 'When choosing a talented person, always beware of one with a false reputation. A false reputation is just like a picture of a cake; it can' t relieve hunger.'


       Later, this idiom came to be used to mean comforting oneself with unrealistic thoughts, without solving practical problems.


       Amazing the World with a Single Feat


       In the Warring States Period, Duke Wei of Qi neglected state affairs, for the first three years of his reign, giving himself over to dissipation. One of his ministers, Chun Yukun who had a good sense of humour, said to him: 'There is a big bird which has neither taken wing nor sung for three years.' The duke answered, 'Once that bird starts to fly and sing, it will astonish the world.' The duke thereupon devoted himself to his duties and built his state up into a powerful one.


       This idiom is used to indicate that a person may rise from obscurity and achieve greatness.


       Sitting by a Stump, Waiting for a Careless Hare


       In the Spring and Autumn Period, a farmer in the State of Song was one day working in the fields when he saw a rabbit bump into a tree stump accidentally and break its neck. The farmer took the rabbit home, and cooked himself a delicious meal. That night he thought, 'I needn't work so hard. All I have to do is wait for a rabbit each day by the stump.' So from then on he gave up farming, and simply sat by the stump waiting for rabbits to come and run into it.


       This idiom satirizes those who just wait for a stroke of luck, rather than making efforts to obtain what they need.

       Zengzi Slaughters a Pig


       engzi’s wife was going to the market. Her little son insisted on going with her, making a tearful scene. “Stay at home,” she said to the boy. “When I come back, I will slaughter a pig for you.” When she came back, Zengzi got ready to slaughter the pig. His wife stopped him, saying: “I was just kidding.” “A child is not to be kidded like that!” he replied. “A child does not know much and cannot judge for himself. He learns from his parents and listens to what they day. To lie to him is to teach him to lie to others. If a mother lies to her son, he will not trust her anymore. How is she then to educate him?” With that Zengzi went to slaughter the pig and prepare a good meal for their son.

       曾子的妻子到集市上去, 他的儿子哭着要跟去. 他的母亲说: “你回家呆着,待会儿我回来杀猪给你吃.” 她刚从集市上回来, 曾子就要捉猪去杀. 妻子劝止他说: “只不过是跟孩子开玩笑罢了.” 曾子说: “不能跟孩子开玩笑啊! 小孩子没有思考和判断能力, 要想父母亲学习, 听从父母的教导. 现在你欺骗他,这是教孩子骗人啊! 母亲欺骗儿子, 儿子就不再相信自己的母亲了, 这不是实现教育的方法.” 于是曾子就杀猪煮肉给孩子吃.


       Basking in Reflected Glory


       A tiger caught a fox in a forest, and was just about to eat it, when the fox said, 'You mustn't eat me. I was sent by Heaven to rule the animals. By eating me, you will violate the command of Heaven. If you don't believe me, just follow me to see whether the animals are afraid of me.' The tiger agreed, and followed the fox as it walked around the forest. The animals all ran away on seeing them. The tiger thought they were afraid of the fox, so he let it go. He didn't realise that it was him that the beasts were really afraid of.


       This idiom means relying on another's power to bully or frighten others.


       A Broken Mirror Made Whole Agian


       In the Northern and Southern Dynasties when the State of Chen (A.D. 557-589) was facing its demise, Xu Deyan, husband of the princess, broke a bronze mirror into halves. Each of them kept a half as tokens in case they were separated. Soon afterwards, they did lose touch with each other, but the two halves of the mirror enabled them to be reunited.


       This idiom is used to refer to the reunion of a couple after they lose touch or break up.


       Rousing the Spirits with the First Drum Roll


       During the Spring and Autumn Period, an army from the State of Qi confronted one from the State of Lu. After the first roll of drums from the Qi side to summon Lu to battle, the Lu ruler wanted to attack. But his counsellor Cao Gui said, 'We should wait until the third drum roll, sire.' After the Qi side had beaten the drums three times, the Lu army attacked and defeated the Qi army. After the battle, the king asked Cao Gui the reason for his odd advice. Cao Gui answered, 'Fighting needs spirit. Their spirit was aroused by the first roll or the drums, but was depleted by the second. And it was completely exhausted by the third. We started to attack when their spirit was exhausted. That's why we won.'


       This idiom later meant to get something done with one sustained effort.



       晴天霹雳 like a bolt from the blue

       浑水摸鱼 to fish in the troubled water

       轻如鸿毛 as light as a feather

       空中楼阁 castle in the air

       破釜沉舟 to burn the boat

       如履薄冰 to be on the thin ice

       守口如瓶 as dumb as an oyster; as silent as the graves; as close as wax

       一贫如洗 as poor as a Church mouse

       健壮如牛 as strong as a horse

       血流如注 to bleed like a pig/to wake a sleeping dog

       打草惊蛇to cast pearls before swine

       对牛弹琴to paint the lily

       画蛇添足to help a lame dog over a stile

       雪中送炭 as easy as falling off a log




       不眠之夜white?night ?

       既往不咎let?bygones?be?bygones ?

       金无足赤,人无完人Gold?can\'t?be?pure?and?man?can\'t?be?perfect. ?


       脚踏实地be?down-to-earth ?

       脚踩两只船sit?on?the?fence ?



       成语有很大一部分是从古代相承沿用下来的,在用词方面往往不同于现代汉语,它代表了一个故事或者典故。有些成语本就是一个微型的句子。 成语又是一种现成的话,跟习用语、谚语相近,但是也略有区别。成语是中华文化中一颗璀璨的明珠。





       (完璧归赵)To return a thing intact to its owner

       In 283 BC, Zhao Huiwenwang, Zhao Chu Choi obtained. The king heard this thing, say to fifteen cities to Zhao, request for return. The king of Zhao and many ministers to discuss: I want to find a can send to reply the Qin people,


       Xian eunuch leader said: "I was his can make." I personally think that Lin Xiangru is a warrior, wisdom, should be made."


       So the king summoned Lin Xiangru, the king of Zhao sent Lin Xiangru with Choi westward into the qin.


       He sat in the chapter palace met Lin. Lin Xiangru see him not to reward to the meaning of city of Zhao, angry erect, now with the jade together smashed on the pillar!"


       He is afraid he smashed Choi, is politely apology, firmly asked him not to return to break, and called for officials at the map, pointing to get from here to the fifteen cities where the classified zhao.

       蔺相如估计秦王只不过以欺诈的手段假装把城划给赵国,实际不能得到, 就打发他的随从穿着粗布衣服,怀揣那块璧,从小道逃走,把它送回赵国。

       Lin Xiangru estimates the king only in fraud pretended to put the city designated to Zhao, actually cannot get, he sent his men wore linen clothes, with the piece of jade, escape from the trail, take it back to the state of zhao.


       The emperor and ministers feel helpless wry smile. Finally in the court met Lin, complete the interview etiquette, sent him back to Zhao.


       Lin Xiangru returned home, the king of Zhao think he is a good doctor, sent to national leaders can not be insulted, he appointed him as a doctor.


       After Qin did not give Zhao Guocheng pool, Zhao Guoye in the end not to return to the state of qin.
